Monday, September 23, 2013

Mix it up Monday

Today is the first day of Fall, which is the best time to visit New York!  We let this favorite city influence our Mix it up Monday.  Here we have designed a dressing room fit for the Big Apple-

From left to right:

1) Mary's Penley Painting of The Statue of Liberty
2) Wolfgang Chandelier from Mr. Brown
3) University Bookshelf from Julian Chichester
4) Lucile Mirror from Mr. Brown
5) Virginia Chair from Julian Chichester
6) Temple Vanity from Julian Chichester
7) Blue and White Vases available at Holland & Company

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!  Believe it or not, it is time for September.  We have a busy month ahead.  Here are a few September highlights-

2nd- Closed for Labor Day
6th- Container arrives from the UK
8th- National Grandparent's Day
11th- Patriot Day
15th- Make a Hat Day
22nd- First Day of Fall